No one can help complaining at work now and again. After all, work can be stressful at times. Besides, not every client or colleague is easy to deal with.

But, did you know that complaining at work isn’t a good idea by any means? It’s a hard habit to break, but break it you must.

It’s not just a means to express your frustration or unhappiness in your workplace. But, it’s also a lens through which people view you.

If you think complaining at work is no big deal, the following points may change your mind.

It Affects Your Reputation

It might feel like venting your frustration helps you connect with your co-workers. After all, you would only share your deepest concerns with those close to you, right?

Well, that’s not how your co-worker might see it. When you complain, you don’t come across as a trusted comrade sharing secrets. You come across as someone complaining to anyone who’d listen.

And very few people enjoy listening to someone complaining. Sometimes, it’s unavoidable. You may be having a particularly tough day at work and need emotional support.

Complaining to trusted colleagues during such times can help you feel better. But, turning complaining into a habit can affect your reputation.

Think about it, do you want your co-workers or boss to view you as a sore loser filled with complaints? A sore loser is what you’ll come across as for sure because those that constantly complain are those that let situations get the better of them.

If you badger your colleagues with complaints often enough, they’ll think of you as someone who can’t work well in a team. No one wants to work with someone that’s not a good team player in the workplace.

You won’t be working on every project by yourself. When the time comes for your boss to choose a team to work with, you may not be a popular choice if you complain frequently.

In other words, your reputation would precede you here and co-workers might distance themselves from you. If they do so, it can make showing up at work very unpleasant for you.

It Can Affect the Quality of Your Work

Sure, complaining feels good sometimes. It allows us to shift the blame for our mistakes onto circumstances (or worse) onto other people. But, just because something feels good in the moment doesn’t mean it’ll serve you in the long run.

Constant complaining will eventually wear you down. You’ll begin to associate negative feelings with your workplace.

These negative feelings could cloud the enthusiasm and passion you might otherwise have for your work. Often, it’s not difficult to resolve problems in the workplace.

Communicating with an open mind and seeking long-term solutions can work wonders. But, it’s hard to look for solutions when you associate negative thoughts and feelings with your workplace.

If you leave these thoughts to fester, it will affect the quality of your work. Your complaining will taint the positive energy you could otherwise channel into your work.  

All the great ideas and visions you may have will take a backseat to the feelings of frustration you feel towards your workplace. In the long run, performing badly at work could seriously affect your career prospects.

This is especially true if you work in a creative field. It’s hard to channel creativity when you’re not happy with your co-workers or clients.

Resolving any issues you may have with them instead of complaining can help you regain your creative spark. In the long run, you’ll see how well this serves your career.

Besides, it’ll also help you look forward to showing up for work every day.

It Can Affect your Mental Health

No one can debate the importance of having great mental health. Good mental health helps you focus on various areas of your life.

Your career is among the areas that can benefit from attention to your mental well-being. Complaining can leave you feeling drained and frustrated.

It can make you feel as though there are no solutions to your problems even when there are plenty. It can increase your stress levels and foster feelings of unhappiness and despair.

Increased stress levels may well lead to anxiety over time if you don’t watch out. The last thing you should take home from the workplace is stress and anxiety. A paycheck? Sure. Cordial relationships with co-workers? Sure. A career boost? Sure. But anxiety? No way!

Your workspace should benefit from your intellect, creativity, dedication, and everything else you have to offer. It shouldn’t be a place for you to vent your frustrations every single day.

Your venting could affect the mental well-being of your co-workers or clients too. Think about it, have you ever been in a good mood all day only to have someone in a bad mood burst your bubble?

We’ve all been there. The thoughts and feelings of others (when voiced out loud) can influence the thoughts and feelings of those around them.

It wouldn’t be a good look for you if a coworker, boss, or client attributes their negative emotions to your constant complaining.

Besides, remember that what you deal with in the workplace can affect your personal life too. If you’re in a bad mood all day at work, then chances are you’ll take your frustration home with you.

This frustration can affect your relationships which will impact your mental health in the long run.


Complaining often lends feelings of false superiority to those doing it. It makes them feel as though they know better and are doing more than those around them.

But, it would be wiser to seek solutions to your workplace woes than to complain about them to every willing ear. After all, solutions propel you forward, not complaints.